134 okhatározás


(1) Elöljáróval

His letter arrived too late because of the strike
His letter arrived too late due to the strike
His letter arrived too late on account of the strike
His letter arrived too late owing to the strike
His letter arrived too late thanks to the strike

The delay was because of the strike
The delay was due to the strike

(2) Kötőszóval

Billy can't be with you now because he's busy

They refused to publish the book on the grounds that it was subversive

(3) Ing-tagmondattal

Az ilyen -ing-tagmondat rendszerint több egyszerű időhatározónál; a cselekvés okát, körülményeit fejezi ki.
Igen választékos, főleg az írott nyelvre jellemző szerkezet (kivált annak saját alanyt tartalmazó változata):

Being an extremely hardworking woman of strong willpower, nothing could stop her becoming a famous paperback writer

- A tagmondatnak saját alanya van:

The moon having risen, they could see the sinister figures in the distance

- Ugyanilyen saját alanyú tagmondat passzív szerkezettel:

The only serious obstacle having been removed, negotiations could continue


(4) To-igeneves szerkezettel, bizonyos melléknevek után:

Everyone was surprised to hear that the group was getting together


meglepődött (, mikor hallotta),



meglepődve hallotta,

hogy az együttes megint összeáll


meglepődött, mert elterjedt,



Ilyen melléknevek: happy, shocked, astonished stb.

ld még 201, 63, 108

(5) A reason szó több pusztán 'ok' jelentésű főnévnél;
az alábbi szerkezetekben 'azért' jelentésben áll:


the reason Æ I went to Spain was to learn more about bullfights
the reason  why I went to Spain was to learn more about bullfights
the reason that  I went to Spain was to learn more about bullfights

Főnévként nem az of, hanem a for elöljáró követi a reason főnevet:

No-one knew what the reason for his pessimism was
No-one knew what the cause of  his pessimism was

(6) Az olyan kapcsolatokat, mint a be blue with cold, become blue with cold, tremble with rage,

ld 37.